Pilgrim Courage: From Mayflower To First Harvest: Study Guide


prepared by Cathy Kaemmerlen

S53H2a, S53H2c, SS3H3a, SS3H3c

Program Description
Follow the story of the courageous pilgrim voyage of 1620 from England to the New World, continuing through the first year at Plimouth Colony, as told through the eyes of Mary Allerton Cushman, 4 years old at the time of the pilgrimage and the last living survivor of the Mayflower passengers.  Hear firsthand what is was like to spend 65 days at sea; the struggle to start a new settlement and survive the first winter; the impact of the Mayflower Compact and making peace with the Indians; the first harvest feast.  Performed as a first person narrative, in authentic period costuming.  Specially designed for 4th or 5th grade curriculum.  “One small candle may light a thousand…out of small beginnings greater things have been produced.” William Bradford.

Artist Bio
Cathy Kaemmerlen, professional actress, dancer, and storyteller, is known for her variety of characters, one-woman shows, and for her ability to make history come to life.  A performer and “creator of shows” since she can remember, she has toured in schools coast to coast, since receiving a BA in English/elementary education and an MFA in dance performance/choreography/theater at the University of Wisconsin.  She tours through Young Audiences of Atlanta, the Georgia and South Carolina Touring Arts Rosters, Fulton County  SAP, has received numerous grants and honors, and is the author of two non-fiction history books with The History Press.

Background on Art Form
Telling stories is an oral tradition, dating back to when mankind first developed a language or form of communication.  Storytelling is a universal way of passing down information to be saved and remembered for generations to come.  It is an interactive art form in which the storytellers’ passion for the story, material, and information, is passed on to the audience, who sorts through, interprets, stores, and synthesizes what is heard.

Teachers, please read this to your students:
Today we are going to see a program by actress/storyteller Cathy Kaemmerlen in which she portrays Mary Allerton Cushman, one of the passengers on the Mayflower, the ship that brought 100 pilgrims to Massachussetts in 1620.  Mary was only 4 at the time and had the honor of being the last survivor of the Mayflower voyage.  We are going to learn what it was like to go on a long and difficult voyage to a new, undeveloped land; to face many difficulties to establish a settlement there; and what it was like to create a document called the Mayflower Compact which many people say was a forerunner to our Constitution.  We’ll learn what life was like for the pilgrims, what they ate, what they wore, how they talked, how they learned to make peace with the Wampanoag Indians, and about their first celebratory harvest.

Warm Up Questions to set the stage for engaging students:
Why did the Pilgrim Separatists find it necessary to split from the Church of England?
Why did they go to Holland?
Why did they decide to take a risk and come to the New World?
Why did the Pilgrims leave so late on their voyage?  Was this a wise thing to do or did they have no choice?
Would you have brought your wife and family with you, or send for them later?
What do you think it would have been like, travelling on rough seas, cramped into close quarters for nine weeks?  What fears might you have had?  Would you have worried that the Mayflower had no companion ship?
How would you feel sighting land?  Would you be scared as well as excited?
What fears/thoughts might you have had about the Native Americans you were bound to meet?

Vocabulary to look at before and after:
Pilgrim: people on a mission trip, inspired by faith to take this trip
Separatists:  those who broke from the Church of England, desiring to create a new church
Saints:  those on the Mayflower who were Separatists
Strangers:  those on the Mayflower who were not Separatists
Bootless:  useless
mortar and pestle: kitchen device used to crush and grind ingredients, especially spices
thatch: roofing material made out of dried straw or reeds that sheds away the water
wetu: a Wampanoag home
waistcoat: women’s jacket usually with buttons
doublets: man’s snug fitting jacket shaped and fitted
Shift:  an undergarment that can be used as a nightgown
shad:  type of fish used for fertilizing plants like corn
Pottage:  a thick stew or porridge
Samp:  cracked corn cooked to mush
Dally:  to dawdle or linger
Pipken:  a sauce pan
Trencher:  wooden plate shaped like a trench, usually shared with a trench mate
Voider:  plate or bowl used to place all crumbs and bones in
Pompions:  pumpkins
Cowcumbers:  cucumbers
Wortleberries:  blueberries
Victuals:  food
Hasty Pudding:  cornmeal or oatmeal mush
Sallet:  salad
Frumenty:  soft sweet dessert cooked from whole wheat, like a pudding
Succotash:  a one pot dish slow cooked with steak or chicken with corn, beans, potatoes, and diced turnips
Indian pudding:  dessert made of corn meal  sweetened with molasses
Muck:  to fertilize with straw and animal droppings
Game of chase:  to fetch something
Perchance:  maybe
Good morrow: hello
How do you fare?:  how are you?
Huzzah:  congratulations
Fare thee well:  goodbye
Pray remember me:  farewell until we meet again
Mouser:  a cat
Pants:  breeches
Skirt:  petticoat
Backwards:  arsy varsy

Roster of the Mayflower

Alden, John Born about 1599. Died at Duxbury, 12 September, 1687. He married, at Plymouth, before 1624, Priscilla Mullins. Ten children. Numerous descendants.
Allerton, Isaac Was born about 1586. He died at New Haven, Conn., before 22 February 1659. He married, first, at Leiden, 4 November 1611. He married, second, at Plymouth, between July, 1623, and 1 June, 1627, Fear Brewster, who died at presumably at Plymouth in 1634. He married, third, before 1644, Joanna Swinnerton, who survived him.
Allerton, Mary (Norris), wife Died at Plymouth, 7 March, 1621
Allerton, Bartholomew, son Born about 1612/13. Born at Leiden. He returned to England, married and had children there, and was living in 1650.
Allerton, Mary, daughter.  Born at Leiden abt. 1617. Died at Plymouth, MA, 28 November 1699. She married, at Plymouth, about 1636, Thomas Cushman.
Allerton, Remember, daughter Born about 1615, married by 6 May 1635 Moses Maverick
Allerton, John Seaman on the Mayflower. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621.

Billington, John Hanged at Plymouth, in September, 1630. He married by about 1607.

Billington, Eleanor, wife Died after 12 March, 1643. She had married, second, at Plymouth, in September, 1638, Gregory Armstrong.
Billington, John son Born say 1604, died Plymouth between 22 May, 1627 and September 1630, unmarried.
Billington, Francis son Born about 1606; married Plymouth, July, 1634 Christian (Penn) Eaton, widow of Francis Eaton.
Bradford, William Bp. Austerfield, Yorkshire, 19 March, 1589/90. Died at Plymouth, May 9, 1657. He married, first, in Amsterdam, Holland, 10 December, 1613. He married, second, at Plymouth, 24 August, 1623, Alice (Carpenter) Southworth (widow of Edward Southworth). 3 Children, William, Mercy, Joseph.
Bradford, Dorothy (May) wife She was born about 1597 and was accidentally drowned at Cape Cod Harbor in 1620.
Brewster, William Born in 1566 or 1567 in Nottinghamshire, son of William Brewster. Died at Duxbury, 10 April, 1644.
Brewster, Mary, wife Died at Plymouth, 17 April, 1627.
Brewster, Love, son Born about 1607-11. He married at Plymouth 15 May, 1634, Sarah Collier
Brewster, Wrestling, son Died, unmarried, between after 1627 and before 1651.
Britteridge, Richard Bradford, as quoted by Prince says, “Dec 21 [1620], dies Richard Britteridge, the first who dies in this harbour.” Single, among the signers of the Mayflower Compact.
Browne, Peter Born by about 1600. Died at Plymouth, 1633. He married first, at Plymouth, by 1626.
Button, William A youth, servant to Samuel Fuller who died as “they drew near the coast.”


Carter, Robert Servant of William Mullens. “died the first winter.”

Carver, John Governor at Plymouth until his sudden death in April, 1621. Born by about 1580-85. By 1609 was married to Catherine Leggatt, daughter of Alexander White.

Carver, Katherine, wife She died Plymouth about five or six weeks after her husband. No known surviving children.

Chilton, James Tailor. Born about 1556 probably at Canterbury, son of Lionel Chilton. Married by 1586. Died on the Mayflower, at Cape Cod Harbor, about 8 December, 1620.

Chilton, Mrs. wife His wife died early in 1621, after 11 January. Neither her maiden nor surname are known..

Chilton, Mary, daughter Baptised St. Peters’s, Sandwich, May 1607. Died at Boston, shortly before 1679. She married, at Plymouth, by 1 June 1627.

Clarke, Richard Died soon after arrival in the general sickness. Among the signers of the Mayflower Compact.

Cooke, Francis Born in or shortly after 1583, died Plymouth 7 April 1663. Married in Leiden 1603.

Cooke, John, son Bp. Leiden 1607. Died at Dartmouth 23 November 1695. He married, at Plymouth, 28 March 1634.

Cooper, Humility Born about 1619, and no more than about a year old when she sailed on the Mayflower and was included in the Edward Tilley family, along with Henry Sampson as “cousins.” By 1651, she was sent “for into” England and according to Bradford, “died there.” Unmarried.

Crackstone, John son Came with his father in 1620 and died at Plymouth about 1627, “having lost himself in the woods; his feet became frozen, which put him into a fever of which he died.”


Doty, Edward Planter Born by about 1599 and a servant upon his arrival. Died at Plymouth, 23 August, 1655.


Eaton, Francis Carpenter, born by about 1595/6 based on the birth of first child and a baptismal record in Bristol, Gloucester, England. Died Plymouth late 1633.

Eaton, Sarah wife Died soon after arrival

Eaton, Samuel son Came as an infant

English, Thomas Hired to “go master of a shallop.” Died during the winter of 1620/1.Probably a young, unmarried man.

Fletcher, Moses Smith, born by about 1565. Died at Plymouth, early 1621 during the first winter.


Fuller, Edward Died during the first winter.  Married, unknown, by about 1605.

Fuller, Mrs. wife Maiden and Surname is unknown. Died during the first winter.

Fuller, Samuel son Born about 1608, married April 1635 Jane Lothrop, daughter of Rev. John Lothrop.

Fuller, Samuel (Dr) Born January 1580, son of Robert Fuller. Married first, Alice Glascock, who died by 1613.


Gardinar, Richard According to William Bradford, Richard became a seaman and died in England or at Sea. Died after 1623 as he was granted land in the Plymouth land division. He was among the signers of the Mayflower Compact. No known wife or children.

Goodman, John listed by Bradford as one of seven men who died soon after their arrival in the general sickness, however he (or perhaps someone in his behalf) was awarded land in the Plymouth land division. He was dead, however, by 1627 as he is not in the Cattle division of that year. No known descendants.


Holbeck, William Servant to William White and died soon after landing.

Hooke, John Died at Plymouth, early in 1621. A servant boy to Isaac Allerton.

Hopkins, Stephen Tanner and Merchant. Born by about 1582. Died at Plymouth, between 6 June and 17 July, 1644.

Hopkins, Elizabeth (Fisher) wife Died at Plymouth in the early 1640’s

Hopkins, Giles son by first marriage. Born 30 January 1607/8, Hursley, Hampshire, England. Died at Eastham, between 5 March 1688/9 and 16 April 1690, Eastham, MA.

Hopkins, Constance, daughter by first marriage Bp. 11 May 1606, Hursley, Hampshire, England. Married Plymouth by 1627 Nicholas Snow.

Hopkins, Damaris, daughter Born about 1618, died probably before the birth of her sister in about 1628 of the same name

Hopkins, Oceanus, son Born at sea aboard the Mayflower, died by 1627.

Howland, John Of Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire, son of Henry and Margaret Howland. Born about 1592/3-9. Died at Plymouth, 23 February, 1672/3. He was nearly swept to his death during a severe storm on the passage.


Langmore, John Servant to Christopher Martin. Died during the first sickness.

Latham, William Servant to John Carver and after twenty years stay, according to Bradford went to England and from there to the Bahamas where he and others starved for want of food. There is no record of a marriage or children during his stay in the colony.

Leister, Edward Servant to Stephen Hopkins. According to Bradford, after his liberty, he went to Virginia, and there died. No known descendants.


Margesson, Edmund Died soon after arrival. No known descendants.

Martin, Christopher Of Great Burstead, Essex, merchant. Birth by about 1582, died Plymouth, January 8, 1620/1.

Martin, Mary (Prower), wife Died during the first winter

Minter, Desire Came in the household of John Carver. Bradford says “Desire Minter returned to her friend and proved not very well and died in England.” No known husband or children.

More, Ellen “A litle girle.” Sister of JASPER. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. These four children were the children of Samuel More, of Royal descent and his wife, a first cousin, Catherine. Samuel put them in the care of John Carver and Robert Cushman who were to maintain them for seven years and provide them with fifty acres of land. Sadly, only Richard More survived. Ellen was put to the family of Edward Winslow.

More, Jasper, brother “A litle boy.” Died on the Mayflower, at Cape Cod Harbor, 16 December, 1620. He was put to the Carver family

More, Richard, brother Of Shipton, Shropshire, Born 13 November 1614, Shipton, Shropshire, England.  He was the only surviving Mayflower More child. He died Salem between 19 March, 1693/4 and April 20, 1696.

More, Mary, sister Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January.

Mullins, William Shoemaker of Dorking, Surrey. Born about 1568. Died Plymouth, February 21, 1620/1 He married by 1593. They had four children: William who married twice in England and in Boston, one daughter who married three times, but died without issue.

Mullins, Priscilla daughter Born about 1603. Married John Alden by about 1623.

Mullins, Joseph son Born about 1596. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 2 April.


Priest, Degory Born about 1579. Died at Plymouth, 1 January, 1620/1. He married, at Leiden, 4 November, 1611, Sarah Vincent (the widow of John Vincent). She was sister to Isaac Allerton and came afterward with two children Mary, who m. Phineas Pratt and Sarah, who m. John Coombs.

Prower, Solomon Died at Plymouth during the first winter.  As he came with the family of Chistopher and Mary Prower Martin, it has been speculated that he was related to her in some way, perhaps a son by a former marriage or a nephew. No known descendants.


Rigsdale, John Died during the first winter

Rigsdale, Alice, wife Died during the first winter

Rogers, Thomas Birth by about 1572, son of William and Eleanor Rogers of Watford, Northamptonshire. He died in Plymouth, soon after arrival, although his son Joseph, the only of his children to come with him, survived.

Rogers, Joseph son Bp. 23 January 1602/3. Married by 1633 Hanah who is mentioned in his will of 2 January 1677/8. It is not certain that she was his only wife, nor the mother of his children. He died Eastham after January 2, 1677/8.

Samson, Henry Born Henlow, Bedfordshire, 15 Jan 1603/4, son of James and Martha (Cooper) Samson, died Duxbury bet 24 Dec 1684 and 5 March 1684/5.

Soule, George Died at Duxbury, bet 20 Sept 1677 when he made a codicil to his will and 22 January 1679/80 when his inventory was taken. He married at Plymouth, before 1627 when she is included in the Plymouth division of cattle, Mary Buckett, who died at Duxbury about December, 1672. Her surname is a deduction of writers by way of the argument that she was the only available Mary in Plymouth at that time.

Standish, Myles Was born about 1584-93 and died 3 Oct 1656 Duxbury. He married early in 1620/1.

Standish, Rose wife Died early in 1620/1

Story, Elias Servant to John Winslow, died soon after arrival

Thompson, Edward Servant to William White, died soon after landing

Tilley, Edward Of Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, was born there 27 May, 1588 as Edmond, son of Robert and Elizabeth

Tilley, Ann, wife Died soon after arrival

Tilley, John Brother to Edward was born Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, 19 Dec 1571. He m. in Henlow 20 Sept 1596 Joan Rogers. She had married 1st Thomas Rogers.

Tilley, Joan (Hurst) (Rogers), wife Died soon after arrival

Tilley, Elizabeth, daughter Bp. Henlow, Bedfordshire, England, 30 Aug 1607.\

Tinker, Thomas Died in the first sickness

Tinker, Mrs. Thomas, wife Died in the first sickness

Tinker, son Died in the first sickness

Turner, John Died in the first sickness. His wife’s name is unknown and she did not come over.

Turner, son Died in the first sickness


Warren, Richard Died Plymouth, 1628. He m. by about 1609, Elizabeth. She dead in Plymouth on October 1673.

White, William Died soon after arrival at Plymouth. He. married about 1615.

White, Susanna, wife She married 2nd Plymouth 12 May 1621.

White, Resolved Son born about 1615, married 8 April 1640, Judith Vassall

Wilder, Roger A servant to John Carver who died early. No known issue. Bradford says: “Carver and his wife, dyed the first year, he in ye spring, she in ye somer; also his man Roger . . .”

Williams, Thomas Among the signers of the Mayflower Compact. Died soon after arrival in the general sickness.

Winslow, Edward Born Droitwich, Worcestershire, England 20 October 1595, son of Edward and Magdalen Winslow. Died at sea 8 May 1655.

Winslow, Elizabeth, wife Married at Leiden, Edward Winslow, died Plymouth, 24 March 1620/1

Winslow, Gilbert Brother to Edward, Bp. Droitwich, Worcestershire, England, 29 Oct 1600. There is no marriage nor any children recorded for Gilbert. Bradford says: “Gilbert Winslow after diverse years aboad here, returned into England and dyed there.”


Unnamed maidservant of John Carver Bradford’s Passenger List: mr John Carver. Kathrine his wife. Desire Minter; & 2 man-servants John Howland Roger Wilder. William Latham, a boy & a maid servant. & a child yet was put to him called, Jasper More. She is deduced by some to be the second, unnamed wife of Francis Eaton.


Indian Vocabulary and Important Native Americans:
Wampanoag Nation:  the Indian Nation that lived in the area where the Pilgrims settled
Nausets and Pokanokets:  the two tribes that made up the Wampanoag Nation
Sachem:  leader of the tribe
Massasoit:  sachem of the Pokanokets
Aspinet:  sachem of the Nausets
Samoset:  originally from an Algonquin tribe in Maine, kidnapped like Squanto by English Captain Hunt; on his return, was visiting with Massasoit and was the first Indian to “visit” the Pilgrims
Squanto: English speaking Indian who had been kidnapped and sent to Spain as a slave; upon his return he discovered his community had been wiped out so he went to live with Massasoit; later lived with the Pilgrims at Plimouth, the site of his old community, and taught them survival techniques.
Patuxet: Indian community that Squanto belonged to and was wiped out by a plague

Warm up Questions for meeting the Georgia Performance Standards for “Listening/Speaking/Viewing”:
Describe the perfect audience.
What are some of our class rules for being good listeners?
How do we show someone we appreciate their visit to our school or classroom?
How does being part of an audience help make you a good citizen?
What are some examples of bad audience behavior or attitudes?
How does a negative audience member effect your enjoyment of a show or performance?
How would this make the performer feel?
How do we want the performer to feel when they leave our school or classroom?

What does William Bradford mean by the saying: “Out of small beginnings, greater things have been produced?”
What does he mean by saying:  “Do not lose what your fathers have obtained with so much hardship.”
Why do you think writing and signing the Mayflower Compact was so important before the Pilgrims left the ship?
Is it true or false that the Pilgrims wore tall hats and shoes with buckles, dressed in only black and white and called their Harvest Feast Thanksgiving?
Why do you think it was so important to make friends and peace with the Indians?
What do you think caused the peace to be broken after 54 years?
If you were a Pilgrim, what would it take to survive that first year?
What does this mean to you:  “We Pilgrims discovered that the great work of living is learning to live with others.”?
Why do you think some of the Pilgrims survived?
Were William Bradford, William Brewster, Edward Winslow, and Myles Standish good leaders and role models?  Why do you think so?
Do you think it was easy at first for the Saints and Strangers to get along? What compromises had to be made?

Some Pilgrim Recipes:
Meat Jerky:
Use very lean flank steak that is partially frozen so that it will be easier to cut.  Cut the meat into thin strips about 2 Inches wide.  Dip the strips in teriyaki sauce.  Arrange the seasoned strips of meat in a single layer on wire racks, like cake cooking racks or oven racks and place a sheet of aluminum foil beneath to catch the drippings. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and then turn back to 120 degrees.  Place the meat in the oven, leaving the oven door open.  After five or six hours, turn the strips over and continue drying at the same temperature for four more hours.  When dry enough, jerky is shriveled and black, and is brittle when cooled.  Jerky can also be dried in the sun over a long period of time (Pilgrim way.)
1 cup cracked wheat        1/8 tsp ground mace
1 quart water                     ½ tsp ground cinnamon
¾ cup milk                          ¼ cup brown sugar
½ cup heavy cream           2 egg yolks
½ tsp salt                             additional brown sugar
In a large pot, bring the water to boil and add the wheat.  Lower heat to simmer, cover and continue to cook for ½ hour or until soft.  Drain off all the water and add the milk, cream, salt, mace, cinnamon and sugar.  Continue to simmer, stirring occasionally, until most of the liquid is absorbed (20 to 30 minutes).  In a small bowl, beat the egg yolks and slowly stir ½ cup of the wheat mixture into the yolks.  Then stir the yolk mixture into the pot, and continue cooking for another 5 minutes, stirring frequently.  Serve sprinkled with brown sugar.
Haire’s Succotash:
3 lbs corned beef                 1 lb. turnips
2 ½ lbs. fowl (chicken)        1qt. corn, hulled
2 lbs potatoes                  ½ qt navy beans

Boil corned beef and fowl together for three hours and save the liquid.  Stew beans for 4 hours.  Mash beans.  Boil potatoes and turnip in liquid from the boiled meat until done.  Dice meat, potatoes, and turnips into ½ inch cubes.  Add beans and hulled corn to meat, turnip and potatoes and bring to boil.

This meal represents a typical feast as it might have been enjoyed by the early New Plimouth colonists.  According to custom, dishes were placed on the table and guests served and carved for themselves.  Since forks were unknown, eating utensils were limited to a personal knife, a spoon, and a large napkin, used not only to clean the mouth and fingers but also to pick up hot morsels of food.  Guests took the food they wished from each serving dish and ate it immediately or they placed portions on their own trenchers (wooden plates that were frequently shared with a “trencher mate.”)


IF YOU SAILED ON THE MAYFLOWER IN 1620 by Ann McGovern, Scholastic Press, 1991
ACROSS THE WIDE DARK SEA:  THE MAYFLOWER JOURNEY by Jean Van Leeuwen, Dial Books for Young Readers, c 1995.
THREE YOUNG PILGRIMS by Cheryl Harness, Bradbury Press, NY,  1992
SARAH MORTON’S DAY:  A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A PILGRIM GIRL by Kate Walters, Scholastic Inc, NY, 1989
SAMUEL EATON’S DAY:  A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A PILGRIM BOY by Kate Walters, Scholastic, 1993
TAGENUM’S DAY:  A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A WAMPANOAG BOY by Kate Walters, Scholastic, 1996
THE WAMPANOAG: A True Book by Kevin Cunningham, 2011
PILGRIM VOICES:  OUR FIRST YEAR IN THE NEW WORLD edited by Connie and Peter Roop, Walker and Co, NY,  1995
THE FIRST THANKSGIVING FEAST by Joan Anderson, Clarion Books, NY, 1984
THE PILGRIM’S FIRST THANKSGIVING by Ann McGovern, Scholastic, Inc. 1973
DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT THE PILGRIMS by Kenneth C. Davis, Harper Collins Pubs., 1993
MAYFLOWER by Nathaniel Philbrick.  Viking Press, 2006.
THE PILGRIMS AND PLYMOUTH COLONY by Feenie Ziner, pub by Am. Heritage Pub. Co, Inc. NY, 1961
MOURT’S RELATION:  A JOURNAL OF THE PILGRIMS AT PLYMOUTH from the original text of 1622, Applewood Books, Bedford, MA , 1963
SAINTS AND STRANGERS by George F. Willison, Reynal and Hitchcock, NY, 1945
THE STORY OF THE OLD COLONY OF NEW PLYMOUTH by Samuel Eliot Morison, Alfred A Knopf, 1956 (ancestress: Priscilla Mullins)
PILGRIM COURAGE adapted and edited by E Brooks Meredith and based on the diaries of William Bradford and Edward Winslow, Little Brown and Col, 1962
PLYMOUTH COLONY:  ITS HISTORY AND PEOPLE 1620-1691 by Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Ancestry Publ., Salt Lake City, 1986
SQUANTO, FRIEND OF THE PILGRIMS by Peter Buchard, Scholastic Press
by Peter Arenstam and Karen Busch, Scholastic Press
by Connie and Peter Roop, Scholastic Press
Websites and DVDs: