Itty Bitty Betty, the Storytelling Honeybee, takes children on an educational adventure introducing young and old alike to the real “buzz” about honeybees. With Betty as a guide, young readers learn that the honeybee is the state insect of seventeen states; that bees can fly backward, forward, and sideways; and that one out of every three mouthfuls of food we eat is a direct result of bee pollination-pretty heavy stuff for such tiny little insects. Even better, did you know that honey is the only food made by insects and it never spoils? Sweet! Nationally known beekeeper Jim Ovbey makes a cameo appearance in one of Betty’s tales giving fun details on swarming bees in search of a new home.
Itty Bitty Betty’s stories are illustrated with beautifully painted representations of bees and their habits and enhanced by key word definitions and explanations of bee customs. Filled with interesting facts, this story from the littlest of bees gives us plenty to think about. Cathy Kaemmerlen is an award-winning actress, author, storyteller, and historical interpreter with decades of performing experience and thousands of in-school performances across the country. Her engaging portrayals of history and science facts delight audiences of all ages. Her fascination with bees began with her own hands-on experiences with bees and beekeeping. Kathy Coates considers art above all a unique emotional expression and hopes that each child who experiences her art will be blessed by her illustrations. Illustrating is a natural way for Coates, who was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina, to combine her love of art, the South, and the natural world. She lives and works in her hometown, sharing her studio with her best friend, a King Charles spaniel named Hopper. Her illustrations also grace the pages of Batty About Texas and Cowgirl Alphabet, both published by Pelican.
“Cute and sweet… Our storytelling honeybee guide, Itty Bitty Betty, takes the young reader on an educational journey through some of the most remarkable aspects of bee behavior and some fascinating bits of bee lore. Kathy Coates’ illustrations – especially of the Queen, Worker, and Drone bees are lovely; certainly as striking as any found in more scientific journals. Really nice. If I had owned this book as a child – I would have very fond memories of it today!”
— Christy Hemenway, author of The Thinking Beekeeper and owner of Gold Star Honeybees
“The Buzz on Honeybees is an educational children’s picturebook about honeybees – insects that serve a vital function pollinating plants, and create a food which never spoils. The bright color illustrations complement the text, which is told from a honeybee’s point of view and includes information about basic bee terminology. “We bees live in large groups called colonies. Our home is called a hive, with three types of bees living there: the queen, the drones, and the workers, like me.” Amazing facts about the history of beekeeping are also interwoven into this fascinating, reader-friendly picturebook. An excellent addition to elementary school and children’s library nonfiction shelves!”
— Children’s Bookwatch, November 2014 Pets/Wildlife Shelf
“Honey is a symbolic metaphor for the Jewish holidays, associated with thoughts and wishes for a sweet new year. Sure we understand that bees make honey, but what else is there to know? Kids will love getting the buzz about honey from Itty Bitty Betty, a storytelling honeybee. Did you know that bees fly forwards, sideways, and backwards? Did you know that if honeybees didn’t pollinate crops, there would be fewer cantaloupes, watermelons and summer squash? This educational adventure will thrill young kids as they learn fascinating facts about bees and their behavior. Colorful illustrations will tickle the imagination.”
— Jewish Journal, September 2014 Issue
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