School has been open for a week here, but August is my slow month, really my vacation month. Or so I like to think of it that way. After a busy summer with too many projects and work commitments and personal obligations/ complications, I like to think of August as my personal time to crash and recoup. After all I have a year of school performances facing me starting after Labor Day. But then I forget–what about all those projects I’ve not completed, including the new school shows planned and new study guides, not to mention all the cleaning and reorganizing I need to do to prepare. And then there are the phone calls and emails of people wanting to schedule and the contracts/invoices to do. And there are the Olympics to watch. And all the books I meant to read. And the tan I never got. And the great shape I was going to get in. And before you know it the month is slipping away and all I want to do is vegetate and take note of all the things I need to do.
Panic is about to set in. But not just yet. I’m at the point in my August hiatus (which is not really one) that I can’t get to sleep at night. And I stay up late. The wee, quiet hours, would be a perfect time for a burst of energy. But I don’t really accomplish much. Do you know you can do do overs in spider solitaire until you figure out how to win the game or realize it’s futlie, but in the meantime two hours have passed. I’m waiting for my energy and drive to kick back in. Just one more game. I look around and see all the incomplete projects–now messes throughout the house and I wait for the urge to go around like a madwoman and accomplish nine tasks at once. But that’s what I do all school year. And after all, this is my summer hiatus and I’m allowed to procrastinate. So I indulge. But this week, I really mean to turn things around. Or do I?